Charleston HealthSpan Institute

A Functional Medical Clinic That Puts You First! Charleston HealthSpan Institute’s Susan Wilson, MD, has been one of the Southeast’s premiere bioidentical hormone doctors for more than 20 years.

Our focus is on educating individuals and providing them with the most effective and advanced tools, techniques and procedures to meet their health goals and optimize their lives. We believe your quality of health from your brain to your gut is your most important asset and our aim is to be your trusted partner in protecting this asset.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine,  but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the causes and prevention of diseases”

– Thomas Edison

A multi-location private medical group consisting of expert medical doctors, specialized practitioners and licensed clinicians who focus on treating the whole person. We pride ourselves on spending extensive one-on-one time with each individual which allows us to build an optimization program focused on your needs and goals rather than some cookie cutter treatment plan. Our goal is to find the core of the problem, and fix it, rather than simply mask the symptoms. We have consistently evolved over the last decade to meet the needs of our customers and we maintain our medical advantage with proven effective technologies, therapies and procedures.

We are not a part of a franchise and we are not a club. Medical Doctors own our practice, not business people, so you’ll never pay a membership or monthly fee; nor will you be pushed to buy a product or service that does not specifically fit your individual health needs or goals. We do not have our own line of medications or supplements to promote and we do not add services based on their profit margins. We recommend treatment or products based on their effectiveness for specific conditions. Although we do not accept insurance, we will provide you with a receipt so that you may file with your insurance carrier for possible reimbursement. We do not participate in Medicare or Medicaid.

A Healthcare Consumer who is interested in educating themselves in the proper diagnostic, preventive and functional care practices and wants to control their own health. This individual realizes this level of care may come at a cost outside that of traditional disease management medical care and insurance reimbursement structure. They value extended time with expert members of their care team and place a priority on their continued health & wellbeing. If you identify as a Healthcare Consumer, you’ve come to the right place.

Learn more about our doctors!