"Dr. Susan Wilson has treated me for over 16 years and I have found her to be a knowledgeable, compassionate and committed physician. She has helped me to educate myself on hormone replacement and the effects that hormonal imbalance can have on a person's life..."
"Dr Wilson was an answer to my prayers."
- KG
"Bioidentical HRT helped me restore a sense of balance in my life."
- SF
"I’m so glad I found Dr Wilson. She helped me get back to normal. I feel like I’m 30 again."
- CN
"I was feeling tired, foggy and depressed when I entered menopause. I’m so glad I found Dr Wilson. She helped me get back to normal. I feel like I’m 30 again."
- CN
"Bioidentical HRT helped me restore a sense of balance in my life. It’s amazing how everything goes haywire when the hormone system is out of kilter."
- SF
"I was convinced that there was nobody out there who could help me. True BHRT docs are very difficult to find. Dr Wilson was an answer to my prayers."
- KG
"I have found her to be a knowledgeable, compassionate and committed physician. She has helped me to educate myself on hormone replacement and the effects that hormonal imbalance can have on a person’s life."
"With Dr. Wilson's help, I was able to lose 30 pounds... and kept it off. I look and feel amazing!"
- MM
"My sex drive is back! Better than ever. Thank you (my husband thanks you, too)!"