The Priapus or PRP Shot

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an effective therapy for many men suffering from erectile dysfunction. It is an in-office procedure that is a simple way to provide the growth factors needed to improve blood flow to the penis. A topical numbing cream is used prior to the procedure, and there is typically no significant discomfort.

Penile injections for growth have become increasingly popular among men seeking enhancement and rejuvenation. PRP Penile Injections can deliver blood-derived growth factors and increase penile girth, treat erectile dysfunction, and enhance overall sexual performance. The procedure works by drawing a small amount of a patient’s own blood to isolate the platelets and then injecting the concentrated platelets into the penile tissue to stimulate growth factors.

We are offering PRP penile injections in the Daniel Island office.

Learn more by talking with our experts: 843-375-6588