08 Jun Ten Easy Ways to Stay Sharp
You’ve been saving for retirement for as long as you can remember. After all, the last thing you want is to find yourself challenged financially at the beginning of the greatest chapter of your life when you finally get to travel, golf, fish and read all of the books you’ve been waiting to get to. Your finances might be in good shape and ready for the adventure – but is your brain? Have you been doing all you can take make sure your brain is healthy in your later years?
Here are ten simple maneuvers that increase the odds that your brain is healthy and sharp when the long-awaited “me time” comes.
Get fit
Studies show that you may be able to cut your risk of Alzheimer’s disease in half with moderate-intensity exercise. Strive for 150 minutes per week of cardio, and add strength training. For those over 65, two to three strength-building sessions per week may reduce the risk of cognitive decline by half.
Be social
Staying socially engaged may protect against dementia later, studies show. Connect with people, volunteer, and join a club or social group. Get out and enjoy leisure-time activities with others. Make time for friends and family. It could benefit you more than you realize.
Eat healthily
Inflammation caused by a diet high in trans fats and sugar damages brain cells. Cut down on both and choose a diet with many vegetables, beans, whole grains and fish. Consider adding green tea to your daily routine. It may improve mental alertness and slow brain aging.
Work out your brain
Learn something new every day. Study a foreign language or learn to play a musical instrument. Do crossword puzzles and play number or word games.
Stock up on your sleep
Most adults need eight hours of sleep, but many don’t even get close to that. Prioritize sleep. Get in bed early and put away electronic devices. If your family tells you that you snore, get checked for sleep apnea.
Reduce stress
Stress is a significant threat to brain health and can cause shrinkage of the memory center in the brain. Tackle stress by incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine — breathe, pray, meditate, and reflect. Make fun a priority. Laugh.
Stop smoking
Research shows smoking increases the risk of dementia by as much as 80 percent. When you quit, the circulation to your brain will improve immediately. This one is a no-brainer.
Control blood pressure and cholesterol
Maintaining blood pressure in the normal range and keeping cholesterol in check keeps the blood supply to the brain as healthy as possible.
Shed extra pounds
Extra weight is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Research shows that people who are overweight are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s later in life, and those who were obese had three times the risk—time to get fit and trim.
Drink only in moderation
While it may be true that a glass of red wine a day has some positive effects on the brain, heavy alcohol consumption can markedly raise Alzheimer’s risk and accelerate brain aging.
Remember all of these each day, and you will surely put your retirement savings to excellent use for a long time.
For more info about Dr. Wilson and the Charleston Healthspan Institute, visit www.charlestonhealthspan.com.
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