30 Apr Benefits of Estrogen Replacement for Women
Women typically begin to experience estrogen deficiency immediately after a hysterectomy or removal of ovaries and when they begin to enter menopause. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency include: hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and decreased mood. The benefits of bio-identical estrogen replacement therapy include: relief of hot flashes and/or night sweats, relief of vaginal dryness and thinning, reduced risks of osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and can increase your life expectancy an average of 3 years.
Keep in mind; we only prescribe bio-identical estrogens. The use of synthetic, oral, non-bio-identical hormone medications like Premarin can be harmful to your health and may have negative side effects. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we prescribe Bio-Identical Progesterone along with Estrogen. This will counteract potential Estrogen dominance and reduce the risk of any potential side effects or long-term health risks.
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