08 Sep 5 Tricks to Stay Healthy
With the cold season and spread of the Delta Variant, we are reminded of ways to keep healthy! Follow my five tips to prevent catching any disease and stay safe.
1. You are what you eat:
We refer to your diet as your daily nutritional intake, and it is the most critical general factor of your health that you can control. “Diets” do not work, and if it looks too good to be true in the pages of a magazine, well… you know the saying. Our physicians suggest a lifestyle commitment to a low-glycemic, balanced diet for most individuals. Nutrient-dense vegetables, in particular, will supply the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals essential for optimal immune function.
2. Omega 3’s are good; Omega 6’s are evil:
Leave the above diet out of the fryer, and stay away from commercial foods, usually produced using Omega-6 oils such as corn, soybean, sunflower and yes, the peanut oil used at Chick-fil-a. Omega-3 fatty acids (Fish Oil), especially DHA, help boost cellular immunity along with a ton of other added benefits.
3. Stress is stressful:
Stress can wreak havoc on not only your immune system but your brain & heart function as well. Stress also affects your quality of sleep, which in turn raises your stress level. It’s a vicious cycle. For those who don’t have the time for meditation classes, yoga or other stress-reduction techniques, try breathing at a rate of 6-breaths per minute for 3-5 minutes, twice a day. Start small, and build up over time to more effective stress relief techniques. Your body and mind will thank you.
4. Sugar is the new fat.
Fat doesn’t necessarily make you fat. Monounsaturated fats are essential to a healthy diet. Excessive sugar, on the other hand (fructose), will not only aid in weight gain but can also impair cellular immunity and overall immune function.
5. Regular, moderate exercise
A gym membership, subscriptions to in-home video workouts or a $10,000 bicycle are not necessary to keep your immune system healthy. Regular, moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes and five times a week will do the trick. Break a sweat, keep your heart rate elevated and enjoy the beautiful weather outside. Remember the stress part? Start small. P.S. Regular exercise will also help with your stress level.
All that said…
Good food and suitable oils make you feel good. When you feel good, you want to exercise. When you exercise, your stress level goes down. When your stress level goes down, you sleep better, and your heart and brain become healthier. When your heart and brain are healthy, it just makes sense to eat better food. And repeat.
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