24 Jan Shake Up Your Cardio Routine
Many Americans today dread “cardio” exercises for the monotony, the limited number of known types, and the stress that it puts on different joints. With this backdrop, what exactly are cardio exercises and how can we shake them up?
Cardiovascular exercises, or cardio exercises for short, are any movements that aim to raise your heart rate and keep it there throughout the rhythm of the workout.
Cardio exercises can be performed in a variety of settings and are beneficial in oxygenating your tissues. They can either be high-intensity workouts that aim to raise your heart rate quickly or slow-burn ones that prolong calorie burning while maintaining a slightly raised heart rate.
When people think of cardio exercises, most people’s minds gravitate to a treadmill, an elliptical machine, or a stair stepper. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of cardio exercises. Employing a variety of different cardio types could keep you exercising more often as well as strengthening different muscle groups.
With that in mind, here are a few lesser-known cardio exercises to try out:
- Jump Rope: This versatile cardio exercise is dual-arm and leg workout at the same time. It can be done both inside and outside and can be brought with you on the go at any time. In addition, you can swap in a weighted jump rope to turn the heat up on this cardio workout.
- Boxing: Not many people think to turn to boxing when they imagine a cardio workout. However, this highly effective workout can keep you burning an enormous amount of calories in a short time while still having a lot of fun.
- Rowing: Whether rowing on a lake or on the rowing machine at your local gym, this exercise is a phenomenal workout. This workout can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be and also does a great job at strengthening your ab and back muscles simultaneously.
- Burpees: This no-equipment exercise is very effective at getting you to burn calories in a short amount of time. Mix this into any routine to keep your blood pumping.
- Rock Climbing: Whether in the great outdoors or at a local rock-climbing gym, this cardio exercise makes use of many underutilized muscles to give you a fantastic workout. You may even forget you are working out when you are scaling the multi-colored rocks at your local rock-climbing gym.
- Rollerblading: While many think of this as a fun hobby, few look to this as a form of cardio exercise. This exercise can also allow you to get outside more often in the process.
- Dancing: Salsa classes or guided dance videos can be a great way to shake up your current cardio exercise regimen while simultaneously learning how to dance!
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