14 Feb Low Testosterone and the Truth
In August 2015, Dr. Rajat Barua and colleagues and the Veterans Administration released data on over 83,000 male Veterans documented with low testosterone, all aged 50 or above. The men were divided into three groups:
Group 1: Those treated to the point where their total testosterone levels returned to “normal.”
Group 2: Those treated but never reached “normal” levels.
Group 3: Those who were not treated.
Average follow-up across the groups ranged from 4.6 – 6.2 years… And here’s what they found: In a comparison between Group 1 and Group 3, Group 1 men were 56% less likely to die during the follow-up period, 24% less likely to suffer a heart attack, and 36% less likely to have a stroke. The comparison between Groups 1 & 2 was similar, with lower percentages.
Read more about the study here… http://www.worldhealth.net/news/testosterone-therapy-significant-reduction-heart-a/
These figures help prove on a large stage what many of the country’s top Hormone Replacement Therapy-focused practitioners already know and teach.
To increase safety and effectiveness, we only use Bio-Identical Hormones to treat each case individually. Testosterone Replacement Therapy is not the only option for males with “Low-T.” Visit our Hormone Replacement Therapy page for more information.
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