02 Aug Cruciferous Vegetables and Their Battle Against Cancer
The cruciferous (or Brassica) vegetables Broccoli, Kale, Collards, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage and others all have some pretty powerful substances that work in the battle against cancer. The term cruciferous is used because, during growth, the four flower petals of this species form a cross (cruciferous = cross-bearing).
Cruciferous vegetables contain Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), Di-indol methane (DIM) and many other powerful phytonutrients such as glucosinolate and sulforaphane. Each compound plays a significant role in estrogen metabolism and may influence cancer genes.
When estrogen is metabolized, it is broken down into 2-hydroxy-estrone (good estrogen) and 4- and 16-hydroxy-estrone (bad, cancer-causing estrogen). Cruciferous vegetables modulate the estrogen metabolic pathway to direct the path to produce 2- and away from 4- and 16-. Simple as that. Nature’s little gift to help in the battle against cancer.
We live in a very estrogenic environment, as we are assaulted daily with xeno- (foreign) and phyto- (plant) estrogens. These toxins mimic estrogen and our self-created estrogen, as obesity increases estrogen production in both men and women. A common estrogen mimic is petroleum products such as plastic and Bisphenol-A.
A worthwhile test is a 24-hour urine estrogen analysis to determine how you metabolize estrogen. This simple test can allow you to gauge your risk of developing estrogen-mediated cancer. The steps taken to influence estrogen metabolism positively are primarily dietary. The inclusion of cruciferous vegetables is a good start. Still, one may also wish to consider the addition of omega-3 fats, fiber, vitamins b6, b12 and folate, iodine and avoiding pesticides as much as possible. Vitamin D supplementation is also good for cancer prevention, though it may not directly alter estrogen metabolism.
If the question were to be asked, which would be better to supplement? The answer is DIM. DIM is less reactive, better absorbed and has a better safety profile than I3C. Of course, a supplement is not mandatory, as you could always include an abundance of cruciferous vegetables in your diet to harness the cancer-fighting power these vegetables possess. Organic produce is best, as Kale and Collards are frequently noted to be sponges for pesticides and herbicides (sorry to be a downer, just trying to keep you safe).
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