19 Apr 6 Easy Ways to Prevent Memory Loss
As we age, our memory tends to decline. Everyone has memory blips from time to time; forgetting where you put your car keys, having trouble remembering the names of people you just met and forgetting your grocery list are just a few examples. Unfortunately, most people don’t do enough to improve their memory. Too often people do not realize the importance of maintaining a sharp memory until they notice the memory of a loved one begins to decline at an alarming rate. Luckily, there are techniques to help boost our brain function and improve our memory to help prevent significant memory loss. Here are 6 steps that WebMD recommends to keep your memory sharp:
Physical activity is a great way to improve and maintain mental function and memory. Physical exercise triggers the release of a protein called BDNF that promotes healthy nerve cells in the brain. Simply walking for 30 minutes a day is a great way to stay healthy and prevent memory loss.
Engage your Brain
Consistent mental exercise is another great way to prevent significant memory loss. Mentally challenging activities such as crossword puzzles, playing instruments, and playing cards are just a few examples of mentally challenging activities that will keep your mind sharp.
Get Good Sleep
Getting a good night’s rest is essential to peak mental function. Good, restful sleep plays a critical role in helping consolidate your memories. Make it a priority to get a good night’s rest. Typically, adults should get between seven to nine hours a sleep a night.
Be Social
Social interaction can help prevent memory loss. Being involved more social interactions is essential to preserving mental function and memory. Whether it’s talking with friends and family or joining a social club, you should engage in more social connections to help prevent memory loss.
Change Your Eating Habits
A healthy diet is essential to preserving peak mental function. Consuming a good amount of fruits, vegetables, and fish is great for memory preservation. Choose low-fat proteins such as beans and skinless poultry and avoid consuming too much red meat. These dietary choices will help improve mental function and prevent memory loss.
Get Checked
If you feel that memory function is declining at an alarming rate, you should consult your doctor. If memory loss is affecting your ability to complete usual daily activities, this may be a sign of an underlying condition. A medical professional can properly identify what may be contributing to your memory loss and offer treatments and medications to help combat your memory loss.
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