12 Jul Hormonal Optimization
Both men and women will seek out hormone replacement therapies when they are contending with hormone deficiency symptoms and when they recognize that these issues are a result of hormone deficiency or imbalance. That can be tricky, since many symptoms are subtle or not easily recognized as being a result of hormone deficiency.
Most women easily recognize hot flashes and night sweats as being related to estrogen deficiency. They may not, however, realize that dry eyes, skin and hair or itchy skin can be as well. New or worsening depression and/or anxiety will most often be addressed with antidepressant medication, but may also be eliminated with proper hormone balance, if the problem originated from hormone deficiency. It is important to consider one’s hormones when addressing anxiety or depression, particularly between the ages of 40-60. Heart palpitations and joint pain are also issues that can arise from hormone deficiency and may markedly improve or resolve completely with hormone replenishment.
Brain fog is a frequent complaint around the time of menopause and can be quite distressing. It will typically clear, quite easily, with proper hormone management. There are many other issues that women may develop during their forties and fifties primarily, although some women may develop sooner: weight gain, carbohydrate cravings, worsening urinary incontinence, loss of bone density, hair loss, difficulty falling asleep, waking in the middle of the night, just to name a few. Most people do not develop all of these symptoms, hormone deficiency symptoms vary widely from person to person.
One of the most distressing issues and one that may be dismissed or overlooked by other healthcare providers, is the loss of interest in partner intimacy. This is a very common problem in women beginning in the mid-forties. It can be a source of marital stress. Many people don’t know how to go about addressing this and can retreat from intimacy and ultimately give up. A proper regimen of hormone therapy can restore intimate life and boost partner bonding and overall sense of well-being.
Self-recognition of hormone deficiency symptoms can be an even bigger challenge in men. Awareness has gotten better in the past 30 years, but it can still be a challenge at times. Most men know that a drop in libido and/or performance can be a sign of low levels of testosterone. They may not know that these are frequently the last symptoms to show up when hormone levels are declining and frequently don’t appear until the levels are very, very low.
Issues that may arise with a moderately low testosterone level include: difficulty concentrating, moodiness, sadness, depression and/or anxiety, easily agitated, quick to anger, weight gain, particularly belly fat. Sluggishness, daytime sleepiness, loss of motivation and insomnia may also occur. Fortunately, optimizing testosterone levels can be achieved quickly in men and improve or eliminate all of these symptoms.
Hormone balance can be a pathway for many to restore youthful vigor and well-being.
If you think you may have a hormone-related issue, seek out a hormone specialist for assistance. Charleston Healthspan Institute is located on Daniel Island and Pawley’s Island, SC. Dr. Wilson has been assisting patients to achieve hormone balance for the past 29 years.
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